Maybe the last update improved iPad function, but...
Update (8/19): The Daily Challenge has been restored in the last update, but the problems with the keyboard still persist, hence making getting a decent time on it quite frustrating.
Update (8/6): The daily challenge has now completely ceased functioning, seeming to always think that the current date is November 30th, 2000. I honestly think the developer has given up on this application..
Now definitely not worth a thin dime, Im sorry to say.
Previous 3 star review:
This used to be my favorite app, but ever since the last update which was apparently a major facelift, its buggy as hell... The keyboard is a real problem especially when trying to do the daily time challenge.. It messes up constantly.. It also often crashes while attempting to download the challenge and the leader board function has a tendency to mess up as well.
Hopefully the developer reads the reviews and addresses the problems, otherwise Id say hang on to your money for now.
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